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Gay Shifter Romance: Daddy Bear Page 3

  It disappeared inside Drake’s mouth and Zander groaned deeply. He could feel Drake’s lips pull into a smile as he dragged them up and down his cock. It sent a shiver of pleasure throughout his body and he bucked his hips involuntarily. Drake seemed to be anticipating this and held Zander by the hips, steadying him as he continued to pleasure him. They moaned together as Zander came close again and again to his climax. But he held himself back. He wasn’t sure he could live with himself if he let another man make him come. Then again, he had never felt so good before. It wasn’t like anybody else would find out about this. And if they did, who would really care other than Lindsay?

  He groaned in frustration and hoped he could play it off as pleasure, but Drake was alarmingly perceptive.

  “What is it?” he asked, taking his magic lips off of Zander’s shaft.

  Zander considered telling him what he was worried about, but he was too consumed by the emptiness he felt when Drake’s mouth left his body. Instead, he gently pushed Drake’s head back in the direction of his throbbing cock.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged softly.

  Drake grinned broadly and obliged.

  Soon, Zander was writhing in pleasure as Drake’s experienced hands moved over his skin, sending explosions of immense pleasure up and down his body. He had never experienced anything quite so powerful before, and soon he felt himself throbbing more urgently with every touch. Drake chuckled and sped up the lapping of his hot tongue, bobbing his head up and down over Zander’s cock until Zander’s pleasure rose up from his abdomen and into an explosive eruption of ecstasy. He shot his full load into Drake’s mouth and Drake took it like a man, continuing his mission to pleasure Zander until they were both completely sure that his immense orgasm was over.

  “Well, hopefully you still remember how to load a woodstove,” Drake said, wiping remnants of Zander’s semen out of his facial hair. Zander panted on the couch, staring up at him in disbelief. And then they both started to laugh.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Zander woke up in the room that Drake had shown him to last night. As he looked around, trying to bring himself to the alert wakefulness he was used to, he realized that it must be Drake’s own bedroom. The memories of the night before were foggy, but Drake’s mouth against his skin was the first memory he retrieved when he sat up in bed. He hissed in pain when he moved his foot and sighed.

  When would it heal? Hopefully soon. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay with Drake. Would he even be able to face him after what they had done together? And why had the man been generous enough to give Zander his own bedroom? Where had he slept? On the couch? That didn’t seem right. Would Drake come to him and say he owed him later? Zander would of course pay him back as soon as possible, but powerful men like Drake were dangerous to get on the wrong side of.

  Before he had a chance to second-guess whether or not he would be able to handle himself with Drake, the man burst through his bedroom door. Zander hadn’t seen him since the intimacy they had shared the day before. Afterward, he had told Zander to help himself to something to eat. He had things to do out in the forest. Drake had been gone all night, leaving Zander to wonder if he had done something wrong. He had suspected as much, and looked upon Drake with a feeling of dread in his heart. Would the man look down on him for giving in to the temptation of another man?

  But sex seemed to be the last thing on Drake’s mind. His face was rosy, and he brought the smell of the forest into the small room with him. He was grinning.

  “Ever built a fire outside, boy?” he asked. Zander frowned, confused. He had been expecting something a little bit more confrontational. Something that touched on the elephant in the room, the event that had been obsessively on Zander’s mind ever since it had happened. But Drake showed no recollection of it, nor any remorse or judgment about it.

  “No…” Zander said, glancing out the bedroom window out at the forest beyond it.

  “Well I’ve been out hunting,” Drake said. “I caught us some dinner and you’re going to help me cook it. Whether you like it or not.”

  “Whether I like it or not?” Zander asked, smiling despite himself.

  “Well most city boys find the idea of cleaning and gutting their prey a little bit off-putting. It might upset your tummy a little bit.”

  The condescension in Drake’s voice made Zander laugh. He could only imagine what a man’s man like Drake might think of the wimpy little boys who were born and sheltered in the city. And he, Zander, certainly fell into that category. But instead of making fun of him, Drake seemed to be excited to make it his mission to teach him.

  “Get dressed and meet me outside. We’re going to have some fresh meat for breakfast. And you’re going to earn that appetite.”

  “All right,” Zander said, watching as Drake’s long legs carried him out the door. He laughed quietly and shook his head to himself. That man was something else.

  With Drake gone, Zander felt a pang of uncertainty as he climbed out of bed. He had always been a little bit squeamish. He was a big animal lover and always had been. He’d never been able to bring himself to go hunting or anything like that. But Lindsay had been very strictly anti-pet and he hadn’t been able to have animals around like he had always wanted. He had a feeling that Drake was much different, though he didn’t want to get his hopes up. Hopefully the man wouldn’t have him doing anything too disgusting, he didn’t want to get sick and embarrass himself.

  Soon enough, Zander was outside in the morning sun, inhaling the pleasant smell of a fire burning. Drake stood beside a deer, the carcass hanging in a tree, and he motioned Zander forward.

  “Now, you can’t rightly eat the organs of an animal unless you know they’re not going to hurt you. Sometimes, eating an animal’s liver can poison us. So generally speaking it’s better not to eat them unless you know beyond a doubt that it’s safe.”

  Zander gazed at the deer as Drake spoke, trying to hide his discomfort as the man showed him the proper way to cure and gut a deer. Eventually, the hard part was all done and they were frying long strips of venison meat over the open fire. Zander had thought he might have lost his appetite from all the blood and gore, but once the smell of cooking meat reached him, his stomach let out a long, low rumble. Drake laughed.

  “That’s the spirit, boy,” he said. “I was worried you’d be too squeamish to eat. I saw the look in your eyes.”

  “I’m sorry,” Zander said quietly. “I …”

  “No need to explain. I appreciate a sensitive soul.”

  At first Zander was angry, but he quickly realized that Drake wasn’t making fun of him. He had turned his back and went on with what he was doing. It slowly dawned on Zander that Drake was doing something completely foreign to his life experience with other people—Drake was accepting him.

  It was baffling, but they soon sat together in a comfortable silence, eating delicious meat and listening to the soothing crackling of the fire. Zander had never allowed himself to feel so comfortable. And yet being with this man, in his home in the remote wilderness, seemed to be exactly the opportunity he had been waiting for his whole life. How had he never known what kind of freedom could lay beyond the suburban life that he had set up for himself? And why hadn’t he challenged his own ideals sooner?

  Zander sighed. It wasn’t just about having a nice house, a good job, and a lot of money. He didn’t need to have a demanding wife and a bunch of socialite friends. That was what Lindsay wanted. What superficial and fake people wanted. It had nothing to do with what he wanted. What he needed was what Drake had. Something this way of life had to offer. What he needed, Zander realized, was authenticity.

  “What you thinking over there, boy?” Drake asked, raising his salt and pepper eyebrows. “You got mighty quiet.”

  “I guess I’m just wondering how you were able to rise above it all and live life the way you want to. It took me a long time to get out.”

  “I was born to live like this,” Drake said, shrugging. “Nothing so remarkable about it. You just do what you want and don’t apologize. That’s the way it should fuckin’ be. Anyone who disagrees clearly ain’t happy.”

  “That’s true,” Zander said, gazing into the trees. He wanted to say more but he didn’t want Drake to think he was being a wimp. He had learned a long time ago not to show anybody too much about how he felt.

  “Seriously, what’s on your mind?” Drake asked, rising from his spot across the fire and sinking down beside Zander on a wooden chair. It groaned under Drake’s weight, and Zander found himself admiring the man once again. He was distinguished. His age seemed to lend him a wisdom and quiet strength that so many people lacked. It was refreshing. And sexy.

  “Are you sure you’re not worried or ashamed of me or something?”

  “Ashamed?” Drake asked, laughing as if he had never heard the word. “I don’t do things I would be ashamed of. What the hell’s the point of that? You peop—”

  Zander raised his head to look at Drake. It seemed strange to him that Drake would bite back his words. He was clearly used to saying everything he thought and never even had an inkling to apologize about it. Why did he stop now? Was he hiding something?

  That was a stupid thought, Zander decided. Just because he had stopped himself from saying something didn’t mean he had anything to hide. Maybe he just didn’t feel like insulting Zander for some reason. Maybe he was only brutally honest and blunt with the people he wasn’t sleeping with. Not that they had slept together. Not really. But Zander could imagine.

  “Let’s put it this way,” Drake said with a sigh. “Humans generally make stupid institutions, right? To make themselves feel special and important. But the way I see it, there’s nothing out there that is worth compromising your freedom for. And I come from a pack—well, I come from a group that thinks exactly the same way.”

  “Well sure. It’s easy to think for yourself when everyone in your group does the same thing,” Zander said darkly, glowering at the campfire. He wasn’t sure what Drake was going to do to react and was pleasantly surprised when he burst out laughing.

  “You’re right about that boy,” he said, standing up to get more wood for the fire, and slapping Zander on the shoulder. “You are certainly right about that.”

  Chapter 7

  That evening, Zander sat on the couch as Drake poked at the fire in the woodstove. He hadn’t noticed until that moment that Drake didn’t have a television set. In his own home, he hadn’t been able to live without the white noise of the television in the background at all times. It helped him feel better somehow. Less hollow. But now he was in Drake’s world, and having the television set on to drown anything out seemed wrong somehow. As if it would be a desecration of a sanctuary.

  “Wanna come out for a real hunt when that leg of yours gets to feeling better?” Drake asked, sitting down heavily beside Zander.

  Zander was caught off guard by his smell, and the shift in the weight of the couch. The force of Drake’s broad body taking his seat had pulled him closer to the man. Zander looked at him and blinked slowly, trying to remember the original question. He had been too distracted by the temptation to move his body even closer, so that his legs were touching Drake’s. A sensual little thrill coursed through him when Drake leaned close to his ear.

  “Did you hear me boy? I asked you a question.”

  Zander’s mouth went dry and he stammered as he tried to figure out what it was this gorgeous man expected of him. If he was going to be honest with himself, he had always admired desirable older men, professors and distinguished doctors and dentists, not that he had explicitly imagined being with them. What he hadn’t ever expected was to feel so irresistibly drawn to an older man with such a pure and wild nature. It was a pleasant surprise, especially knowing that the same man seemed to return his interest. And without any of the disturbing stigmas he would surely encounter with other men he would find in suburbia.

  “I honestly don’t remember,” Zander finally admitted as the rumble of Drake’s laughter consumed him.

  “Wonder why,” Drake said, though his amber eyes sparkled with the answer. Zander hissed in pleasure when Drake’s heavy hand moved to rest on his thigh. He was a bold man. That was something that Zander deeply admired about him. What was he going to do when his foot finally healed and he was forced back on his own? He didn’t want to think about it.

  “I think you know why,” Zander said, trying to muster as much courage as he possibly could. He didn’t think that Drake would find any fault in him being honest about his arousal. In fact, he was now very certain that Drake would be exactly the opposite of the oppressed suburban men who would make too big a deal out of every little touch and glance. Drake was a man, who was straight-forward about his feelings. Even if sometimes Zander got the impression that he had something to hide.

  “Oh really? Maybe I just think it’s rude that you won’t answer my question,” Drake said. But his face wasn’t angry. It was sparkling. Alive with something that made Zander feel a little bit wild. It was alarming. He had never felt wild before, but with Drake, that was his predominant feeling. How much had he been missing during his awful marriage to a woman who didn’t even care about him? Was this what it was really like to be in love?

  Zander stopped himself there. How in the world could he say he was in love with this man? They had only just met. It was illogical to attribute such a serious emotion to somebody he’d only known for a few days. Granted, Drake was unlike anybody he had ever met before, but that didn’t mean that it was love of all things. That was too serious a word for the feeling that Drake gave him. Wasn’t it?

  Zander took a deep breath. The truth was, he didn’t know what it was like to be in love. And although he was skeptical of love at first sight, the truth was that he had always secretly longed to have just such a love story for himself. It seemed almost perfect in a way that fate had dropped him right in the lap of this gorgeous man, whose amber colored eyes seemed to see right through him. The most remarkable part about that was that instead of being repulsed by Zander, Drake seemed intrigued by him. Almost happy to be able to see someone who had the specific qualities that Zander had. He had never felt so seen and appreciated before. It was nice to feel so valued. Lindsay had certainly never made him feel that way.

  Drake’s strong fingers squeezed his thigh, his amber eyes staring deeply into his own. Zander tried to speak but nothing came out of his mouth. Drake grinned.

  “I like you, kid,” he said. His words washed over Zander in a sweet wave and he couldn’t help but shudder. Drake noticed this and began caressing him, moving his fingers expertly over the mounds of Zander’s thighs, his groin. Zander took in a sharp intake of breath and closed his eyes, soon lost in the pleasures of Drake’s touch.

  When he opened his eyes again, Zander was startled to find that Drake’s face had changed. Instead of the gentle expression in his amber eyes, they had turned dark and serious. But that wasn’t the strangest part. Something else had changed in them. They had grown more brown, almost predatory in a way. He knew he should be frightened, but somehow it seemed to arouse him more.

  “Easy, boy,” Drake murmured, slipping his hand into Zander’s jeans. Zander hissed in pleasure as the man’s fingers wrapped tightly around his member and gave a gratifying squeeze. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”

  So he knew that Zander had seen the change in his eyes, his face. Zander’s eyes wandered to the intricate tattoos that spanned his massive biceps and torso and settled on the image of a fierce bear. If he didn’t know any better, Zander could have sworn that Drake had somehow channeled that primal image, even if just for a second. But that was impossible…wasn’t it?

  Zander’s thoughts were cut off by a deep sensual pleasure traveling up his spine. Drake had abruptly lowered his hot lips over Zander’s throbbing shaft, and it sent a whirl of pleasure jolting through him. Zander closed his eyes and moaned, arching his back against the couch. He flinched in pain as his injured foot struck the floor wrong. Drake stopped what he was doing and immediately caught Zander’s eye.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Zander was impressed. He had never had someone so in tune with him that they could tell when he was in pain without him even saying anything.

  “Oh, nothing. I just moved my foot…”

  “Ahhh,” Drake said, his face breaking out into a grin. His silver facial hair glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window. “Let me help you forget about that pain.”

  Zander’s eyes widened as Drake stripped himself, slowly removing his clothes. He bent down, gingerly doing the same to Zander. He ran his calloused hands over Zander’s smooth skin and just as quickly as it had happened, Zander forgot that anything was wrong with his foot at all.

  “I like having you here,” Drake said before stuffing Zander’s cock deep into his mouth. Zander moaned in satisfaction as Drake’s hot tongue worked his shaft expertly. He had never experienced such pure pleasure before, and he reached out to take Drake’s member in his hand, wanting to return the favor. It was thick and stiff in his hands, and when he gave it a tug, Drake’s eyebrows furrowed. He began to bob his head on Zander’s dick as Zander fondled him, until finally he couldn’t seem to handle anymore.

  Zander yelped in surprise when Drake flipped him onto his stomach and pressed the length of his shaft against Zander’s thighs. Soon, Drake’s strong hands were gripping his manhood and he could feel Drake’s hips thrusting against him. It was gentle at first as he positioned himself to avoid Zander’s leg, but soon Drake was thrusting vigorously against him, stroking Zander’s cock violently in his hands.
